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Fallen Son

1980 - 2019

Being one of the East Hook Originals Bash was also born and raised on the streets of Leuven. While his chronic potato allergy kept him from becoming the biggest kid on the bloc, it was his intellectual capacity that kept him alive. Already as a teen he was working as an unlicensed booking agent, making most of his earnings through organizing the betting of the illegal bare-knuckle boxing matches in the city.


That's how Bash first encountered Tadors and Spelev, by making a shitload of money on their epic boxing matches. It didn't take long for a bond and a strong sense of loyalty to be created. The three quickly formed a gang, joined by Pierre and Sep along the way, and eventually found new, be it temporary, purpose in the Belgian Civil War.


Fleeing from repression Bash joined his friends to start a new life in the United States, ending up in Liberty City. After the war with their former club, the Lost MC, Bash became the Secretary of the newly independent Sons of Leuven MC. Bash was originally dispatched by the East Hook Motherchapter, to help create the Zancudo River Chapter in Blaine County. During its first months Bash acted as  the Secretary of the Chapter and helped lay the foundations of what would later replace East Hook as the motherchapter. Once he fulfilled his mission he was called back to Liberty City, occasionally joining the Nomad supply runs to keep in touch with his brothers on the other side.




Bash was found dead by East Hook prospects in december 2019 while they were getting ready to clean the clubhouse after another savage party the night before. He was stabbed repeatedly in the heart by a Brazilian prostitute who after torture admitted she had done so because the Brothers-in-Exile MC had threatened to murder her family. A lot of BEMC members were burried that same night, along with the prostitute. A nation-wide funeral ride was organized to honor the second of the 5 East Hook Originals that gave his life for the club.

Favourite bike: Western


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